Monday, October 30, 2006

If Outlook would work.......

I would be able to post my last couple of tiny things for my last week of my last class! Still a big project for the team, but I am personally done except for the summary, which I can't really do until Sunday.

7 more days!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hilarious Steve Irwin video with Ross the Intern


Little JOHNNY goes to school, and the teacher says, "Today we are going
to learn multi-syllable words, class . Does anybody have an example of a
multi-syllable word?"

JOHNNY says "Mas-tur-bate."

Miss Rogers smiles and says, "Wow, little JOHNNY, that's a mouthful."

Little JOHNNY says, "No, Miss Rogers, you're thinking of a blow job."

Car of the future


Nice story

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a
hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who
was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood
transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had
developed the antibodies needed to combat the
illness.. The doctor explained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the little boy if he would
be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a
deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will
save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in
bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did,
seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his
face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at t he doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the
doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his
sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Book report

Students were assigned to read 2 books, "Titanic", & "My Life" by Bill Clinton. One smart ass student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories! His cool professor gave him an A+ for this report:

Titanic... $29.99
Clinton... $29.99
Titanic... Over 3 hours to read
Clinton... Over 3 hours to read
Titanic... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love and subsequent catastrophe
Clinton... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe
Titanic... Jack is a starving artist
Clinton... Bill is a bullshit artist.
Titanic... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton... Ditto for Bill.
Titanic... During ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton... Ditto for Monica.
Titanic... Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton... Let's not go there.
Titanic... Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton... Monica's forced to return her gifts.
Titanic... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton... Clinton doesn't remember Jack.
Titanic . Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton... Monica...ooh, let's not go there, either.
Titanic... Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton... Bill goes home to Hilary...basically the same.

Carve your own pumpkin online!

Halloween Hangman

Make sure you have your speakers on!

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

Greaser Babies

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Last individual assignment!

8 more days of class! And I am writing my VERY LAST bachelor's degree paper! I still have team stuff to work on but this is it! THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

Thursday, October 26, 2006

TEN MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

School is going well...only 10 more days! I am so stoked :D

Work is going well. So far we've been really busy - or maybe it's just me because I am new. In any case, I hope it stays that way. I like being really busy because the day goes faster. :) Oh yeah...I recently got a new job. I am working for the city out at the airport in the finance department. Yes, the airport is owned by the city. When you think about it that makes sense. It's a complex business with lots of vendors, etc. so who did you think ran it? Honestly I never thought about it before. *shrug* Anyway, I've learned to process purchase orders, "receive" invoices, pay invoices, enter cash and checks, data enter fuel usage, handle petty cash...I think there is more but I can't think of it right now.

One thing that I am not used to is a staff meeting every Monday where the managers present talk about real business. In my last job the managers had a meeting on Monday, but we peons weren't part of that. Since I still feel like a peon, it's weird to me to have a meeting with everyone including the Director of Aviation. And I had to go to a bored meeting to be approved as the petty cash custodian. So far I really like it and I'm starting to feel like I am NOT a peon. It's pretty nice, actually.

Well, it's late and I don't have time to write anything else.

Except maybe TEN MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wedding and babies (not my own)

Long time no update.

Well, I’m married now.  To address some questions that I keep getting asked:

“How was the wedding?”  It was really nice.  Some small things went wrong but overall I think it went well.  Hopefully the guests feel the same.

“Do you feel different?”  No, it’s not different except that my last name is all weird and not the same.  It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s for sure.

“When are you having kids?”  I’ll address this after I talk about babysitting.


My brother and sister-in-law have been out of town since Thursday and I’ve been taking care of my niece, Sam.  It’s been fun, but really different.  I started out wondering how I was going to keep a 2 year old entertained.  As it turns out, they’re pretty easy to keep busy.  

Still, though, there are a lot of hours in her waking day so I spent the first day wondering how to fill them and today wondering how to get her to bed on time.  I’d say I’ve progressed. :) There were a couple times I was feeling a little lost, but overall it was a pretty good day.

On to the “when are you having kids” question, though.  I have very much enjoyed my time with Sam, but I am also glad that I can give her back.  I don’t think I could keep this up for 18 years. :)  Kids are a lot of work and I don’t think I’m quite ready.  Granted, I spent a lot more time with her than I could normally spend with my own kids on a daily basis because I didn’t do anything but play.  Normally there would be house cleaning or laundry or something that didn’t involve reading Beauty and the Beast for the 15th time.  But there is still that huge demand on time, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.  I’m just getting out of school and there’s still some stuff I want to do with my husband – like travel if we ever have money – that will be difficult or impossible to do with children.

I guess it works out in the end though – we don’t have money or space for a kid yet.  

Much love to Samantha, and ta-ta to baby fever -- for now.