Thursday, March 26, 2009


I've been working on Columbinus this last week for Tech Week and between that and work, I'm exhausted. There have been too many 16+ hour days and I don't know how anyone does this for extended periods of time. Oh right, I had 2 jobs a while ago and it sucked, now I remember. :P

I don't know if everyone feels exhaustion the way I's like I have an anvil that is anchored to my chest and it's pulling me down to the ground, and I have to fight to stand upright when all I want to do is let it pull me down. That, and I daydream of curling up and going to sleep.

The shitty part of this is when I have the opportunity, I can't sleep!

I just got ready and I have to leave in 5 minutes, but I could totally go back to bed and sleep soundly.


Monday, March 02, 2009

Work still sucks

For the second month in a row, month end has fallen on the same day as payroll. Payroll already takes about 4 hours to complete. By the time we get started on month end it's already getting late in the afternoon, which means it'll be finished tomorrow.

I also have several invoices that I need to process, so I get to put off doing my big journal entry. Granted, that only takes about an hour, but I'd rather get it entered and do my reconciliation and be done. I'd feel a lot better. Instead, however, I get to let that wait so I can pay invoices that are almost past due and probably will be by the time the check mails. I hate this.

I'm finishing up on Vagina Monologues this week - I'm running lights and sound and it's a 3 week run Thursday-Sunday. It's really starting to wear on me and yes, there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing." I like theatre but it's getting a little old. I have one more show after this and I'm ready to call it the last for a while. I want free time again!

If the vag doesn't go an extra week, I'll have about a week of free time and then some friends are visiting. TC & J will be here the 17th-20th and that's the part where I get to say again that work sucks. That's Board week and since I handle contracts, I get lots of them that week. I want to work abbreviated hours and take off on Friday but I don't know how exactly that will work out.

To make things even peachier, we have to clear out our desks and files by the 23rd because the furniture is getting moved out to the new space. OH FUCKING BOY!!!! Like we even have time to deal with that!!

And there have been a lot of closed-door meetings regarding the Accounting Clerk I position, so I hope there's not some issue. Of course the economy is also in the shitter so we're worried about jobs...*sigh* With work being so damn busy I'd like to say we're pretty safe but no one's safe.

At least TV was good tonight :)