Saturday, July 30, 2005

Friday, July 29, 2005

ICE cell phone entry

ICE - In Case of Emergency

I heard this on the radio, and it's a good idea. I don't wear a medical bracelet, but I am allergic to penicillin and all cillin family drugs. The purpose of this is that most people like me don't wear a bracelet, but those who have a cell phone generally carry it with them.

If there is an emergency and the victim is unconscious, calling the ICE contact can clue in the emergency worker as to what medication the person may be on, or what they are allergic to.

It can't hurt, but it can help a lot.

Supreme Court Justice Nominee John Roberts

Here's your chance to ask questions! Seven Democrat women have set up a website that allows you to ask a question that you would like to have answered by nominee John Roberts.

I highly urge you all to participate - remember, the Supreme Court has no court of appeals. As such, we need to be aware and concerned with lifetime Justice appointments.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Cats have amazing agility. I bet that SNL character would be jealous -- Anna's never taken yoga a day in her privileged little life.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A cat's life

Sometimes I wish I were a cat. Must be nice to be that relaxed!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Harry Potter

So, anyone know when the next book is out? Book 6 was phenomenal, as usual, and now I can't wait for the conclusion. I will probably experience regret at the end of 7 because it will be the end, but at the same least I'll know what happens.

Well, hopefully in a day or two I can embrace the suspense...but for now, I am frustrated :p


Some of what I do at work...


Isn't my boyfriend sweet? :)


Gavin, enjoying a bone.

Anna, my cat! Isn't she cute?

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Progress...but not on homework.

I managed to move a lot of stuff to our on-premise storage unit (4'x4'x?'....10'?) this afternoon, and I am feeling rather accomplished. It's a big rush to get everything FINALLY unpacked before my mom gets here. Plus, I would sort of like to unpack the table set I spent about $200 on :)

My biggest accomplishment was on the patio, however. I got enough space cleared that I could set up the Rubbermaid shelves outside ( ---> ) and there's space in front of them! I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I am pleased with the results.

Avoiding homework...again and still!

Ahh yes, my old remedy to hating school...avoiding it and waiting until the last minute to finish, while hating myself for procrastinating. There certainly is something to be said for the familiar feeling of being home!

As I speak, I am supposed to be examining a scenario to determine if there is any civil liability for one of the characters and one of the companies involved in said scenario. All in all it is interesting, but it's still school and as such, it's not fun :) But, I'll still put in the research and turn out a quality paper. I am such a lousy model student :)

And on to the required's completely insane to expect someone to be able to read 150-300 pages of a textbook in a week, every week for five weeks, with one break between classes, and still emerge from the experience a fully functioning, cognitive, creative, well-adjusted human being. I feel like doing cartwheels across what would be considered a lawn in this tiny apartment complex, chanting, "they've come to take me away, ha ha," and bonking my head into the wall repeatedly for having set this course for myself.

Anyway, I do enjoy school and the debates that we have in our classroom, but I have to wonder if I will carry even 15% of what I have learned into the workplace with me once I have earned my degree and marched in the footsteps of others who've gone before me in search of the ever-better career. Do I want to climb the ladder? Do I have what it takes? Who knows...I hope I'm up to the course I've set for myself.

Friday, July 08, 2005

So much to do, so little time

I feel so busy lately...part of me likes it, and part of me just wants to sit around doing nothing but fun stuff like reading or playing video games all day :)

Last weekend was my first trip to was a lot of fun! My boyfriend was traveling with me, and we stayed at his grandmother's house. She was the reason for the trip, but since it was nearby we also did Disney. It was a nice visit, even though I got sick on the day we came home and it's a really long drive. I think next time we visit we'll be flying.

Coming up next month my mom is visiting. This is the first real visit for her; the only other time she's been here she was helping me move, and that was not exactly a fun trip. We're going camping in Castle Craggs State Park, and visiting Mt. Shasta as well as McCloud for the Civil War re-enactment. It should be a fun event; the whole town participates. It starts with the Rebels taking over and ends with the Union chasing them out by railroad. It should be a blast, and I am really looking forward to it :) My only regret is that she can't stay longer. We won't be spending much time around here so I can't take her much of anywhere where I actually live, so that's kind of a bummer. Oh well.

In September, I'll be traveling to Texas to visit my niece for her first birthday and to visit my other friends and family that are scattered about there. I'll be there from September 2-11th, and I'll be between Houston and Dallas/Austin (depending on where my brother is living at that time).

October brings my friend's wedding and a 5 day trip to Missouri. Whether I am in the wedding is up in the air, but I'll be there nonetheless.

So, between work, travel, and school, I should be pretty busy. And, one of these days I guess I will have to really unpack :)