What if I was 10 years old? (for the sake of a nice list I'll pretend I had a normal childhood)
- No bills to worry about
- A trip to the store is fun
- Bike riding is the #1 source of entertainment and transportation
- No dieting!
- No cooking!
- Major decisions include ice cream flavors and how long to play
- Going to bed late is awesome
- birthday is the favorite day of the year
- Recess!
- Homework. ooo. bummer
- Rules seem oppressive / little freedom
- School for 180 days is torture
- Everyone tells you what to do
- Being grounded
- transportation is limited to mom or dad's patience or a bike
- Not a kid, not a teenager
Memories from 10 years old
- New baby sister / losing baby sister
- Moving from mom's to dad's and losing my favorite teacher
- Gaining a new teacher who had awesome activities, like:
- King Eaton and Going West
- Failing on State of the Week because I hated (still hate) word finds and lacked the skill to do projects which for which other kids had parental help
- Missing too many days and serving D-hall to make up the absences and subsequently working on the zeroes I had so I could pass
- Being grounded.......a lot
- Writing sentences for punishment....at home
- Reading to pass the time when grounded
- Tearing up my math homework because I was so frustrated with my stepmother for making me do homework as soon as I got home...and then having to tape it together so I could actually do it.
- Pouring out my watered down Kool-Aid because it was not much more than colored water (my stepmother added water to stretch it)
- Bringing home my sandwiches and hiding them in my room - I'm not sure why I didn't just throw them away, unless I was afraid my friend would tell on me. I don't really know what I *did* eat for lunch if I didn't eat my sandwiches. Hmm.
- Learning cross-stitch during Going West, something I still enjoy
- Eating fried rabbit and squirrel stew, also Going West
- Learning how to overthrow an oppressive and unpopular sovereign through King Eaton
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