Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My letters to the people who represent me

I am a citizen of the greatest country on Earth. *cough, choke*
I am an American citizen - and I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Here is what I wrote to my senators:

I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

I will not tolerate the bailout in its current form. I do not think it will fix things and I resent that I and future generations will be responsible for a social burden for which I am most definitely not at fault. I pay my taxes, I go to work, and I pay my debts. I do not own a home or have a mortgage, and I most certainly did not default on a mortgage. I am losing my ass on Vonage stock - do I get a bailout for a gamble I took on a risky stock? No!

And section 8 IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Judicial and administrative review MUST be part of this bailout if it goes through. I will not accept that a debt I will assume as a legal US Citizen cannot be verified as having been spent on what we are told it is spent. Desperate people do dishonorable acts and no person in this country could honestly say without a doubt that given full control over $700 billion dollars they would be completely ethical and responsible - especially while knowing there will be no review or consequences!!

Please fight for me! Thank you.

Here is what I wrote to Mr. President:

I, [From the desk of Angie], am a law-abiding tax-paying citizen. I do not own a home or have a mortgage, and those debts I do have are paid monthly and on time.

I do not agree with or support the bailout which will cost me and untold future generations of my family sums of money that I cannot even begin to imagine.

I ESPECIALLY will not tolerate section 8 in its current form - this is unacceptable. I work for [a public entity] and we have so many controls on our spending it is unreal. However, since it is [not our] money, it is necessary so we can reassure [the people who contributed the money] that we are doing everything possible to spend it wisely. Unfortunately, I do not see this in our federal government; why should a [public entity] be expected to uphold something the federal government does not honor? Review by the judicial branch and administrative agencies MUST be part of this. How can we be certain that the money is being spent on what we're told it's spent otherwise? The sum of money is ridiculously large and could lead the most honest man on Earth to dishonest practices; how can I expect anything different of someone who is not an elected official and who is answerable to no one?

The web of deceit and faulty business practice that has led us to this point is NOT my social burden. If I were in the same predicament, could I look to my government to bail me out? No, I couldn't. If things were bad enough I might be able to receive help from social programs, but that is assuming that they have the financial means to support the number of citizens who need them. I will not get into the Iraq war spending but I also do not agree with that.

For our current calamity, I fully place the blame on the lenders and do not appreciate your Administration placing the blame on poor Americans. The lender ultimately has control of the money they lend and they should have done their due diligence to ensure that the loan could be paid in full. The poor who had mortgages that are now in default may have been partially to blame, but the far more heinous crimes have been carried out by the lenders and brokerages.

I have much more to say but I need to go to bed so I can work my 8 hours tomorrow and pay for this bailout, while at the same time fully expecting another Great Depression no matter what is decided.

Sincerely and in disgruntled spirits,

Here is what I got from the general e-mail:

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Yes, I am sure he appreciates me, considering how well he takes criticism :D

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