I was just thinking the other day that I haven't been updating this as I had originally intended. My plans for this blog were to post what's going on so that people who don't talk to me regularly can at least know the happenings. I do a lot, it just doesn't seem worthy of documentation.
So, here's some stuff I never mentioned but I guess is worth saying!
We moved...I never finished trip details. Oops. We're adjusting; I get homesick (for the Bay Area) sometimes but since we still want a house we won't be going back to live there (99.99999999% chance against it, but I don't want to say never).
Job...is boring. Lots of the same stuff every day. Sometimes I make mistakes because I wasn't trained properly, which results in brief excitement while I try to internalize the "fix" but then it's more monotony. Currently I'm temping for an unnamed BROWN company where I data enter information pertaining to shipment and billing information for ocean freight coming out of Asia. I like the people and it pays the bills, but I doubt I'll stick around to be offered a permanent position.
Wedding is coming along. 14 days to go and YES I know how close that is. Beeeeeliiiiiieeeeeeeve me, I know how close - I'm planning the damn thing, and several of the details are last minute. I know very well how much time I don't have, and thank you kindly for not reminding me. Sorry Kristen, I know I did the same to you.
School is coming along also. Had a bitch of a time getting an answer out of my financial aid counselor because apparently I speak English and she speaks....?? Not-English, I guess. About 10 more days left in my VERY LAST marketing class, woohoo! I'll be degreed in no time if all goes well. We have to settle my debts there and pay the grad app fee, so once my grade posts for the final course I can get started and hopefully have my degree before Christmas. That would be swell!
Other work - I am a Creative Memories consultant now. If you want to know just what that is, you can go to my website: http://www.mycmsite.com/sites/argturpin
That's about it for now - I'm tired and my stomach hurts.
'Til next time!
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