Friday, June 03, 2005

Stupid People

Ok, I have heard some dumb things in my lifetime but this is pretty bad.

Not wearing a seatbelt in a convertible so she can make a quick escape in the event of an accident...? She'll make a really quick escape when she flies out!!!

Mr. Roadshow column, San Jose Mercury News

Q. While I usually agree with your conservative and sensible point of view, I must differ with you on mandatory seat belts. I'm a convertible driver, and it's my understanding that I'm more likely to survive a serious accident (particularly a roll) if I'm not buckled up and can quickly react to move within or escape from the car or even be thrown out rather than be immobilized and trapped by a shoulder harness. Of course I'd be willing to change my mind and driving habits if you have any statistics on accidents involving convertibles that would refute this.

Heidi Munzinger

A. Heidi, Heidi, Heidi. A seat belt and shoulder harness provides you with a cushion of safety. A crash would happen so fast that you won't have time to escape from your car. Imagine your skull being an egg shell. And imagine what happens to that shell when it's thrown from a car going 65 mph and smacks onto hard concrete. It's not pretty.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Miss you too punk! Where are you posting now?