Friday, May 06, 2005


This weekend is crazy! I feel like I need an appointment book, lol.

This afternoon I get off work at 3:30. I should be home by 4:00…and then I have to bathe Gavin, our dog…he has a vet appointment tomorrow and he’s The Incredible Stink Monster (hmm, maybe I should make a radiation hero on City of Heroes, LOL!), which is part of why he’s going in.

Anyway, I need to be done with that by 5:00 so I can get cleaned up and go see Cake in concert :D Very much looking forward to that.

Tomorrow there is an appointment for my cat Anna at 10:30 (hotspots), Gavin at 11:15, and then we’re going to lunch with my friend for his birthday (as previously mentioned). We have to wrap up by 3:00 though so I can go home and get ready for dinner and the play.

Sunday isn’t too hectic. We decided against taking the boyfriend’s sister out for her birthday because, being Mother’s Day, we would be fighting crowds for no reason…and, of course, the day will be bittersweet because this will be the kids’ first one since their mom passed away.

And next weekend we move, LOL. Ah well, I am sure things will settle soon – at least I don’t have a class starting until the 17th.


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Cake now that's what I'm talkin' bout, booyah....Busy is a good thing and it sounds like you are keeping things aligned well so keep up the good work o.k., later...

Angie said...

It was a great concert!

If you're a Cake fan, you should know/be informed that they think they've found a way to get off their current record they might be harder to find. But, I am signed up for their new newsletter now...I signed up after the concert.

I need to buy the CDs so I don't miss out on them...

Gomez also performed there, and they were a fun show even though I didn't have a clue who they were.