Friday, March 15, 2013

Meanwhile, over in Hypocritesville...

Conservative Republicans never cease to amaze me with their narrow-minded view of fairness and equality in the US. 

Small government {except when it's convenient to be Big}!
Cut spending {as long as my programs are supported}!
Lower taxes {especially mine because I'm special in some way}!

Specifically regarding small vs. big government they drive me batshit crazy.

Things like this Sarah Palin tweet, regarding the overturn of the sugary drink ban in NYC really drives me bonkers:
"Victory in NYC for liberty-loving soda drinkers. To politicians with too much time on their hands we say: Govt, stay out of my refrigerator!"
Besides the obvious, that the ban was only in businesses and did not apply to home refrigerators...To this I must ask - OK, why then should the government have a right to be in my uterus or bedroom or any number of other conservative-supported locations?  Holy hypocrisy, Batman!  If you are for SMALL government, you can't pick and choose times when it is convenient.  You're for small government, or you're for big government.  Period.  You're for freedom of the people with no regulation at all [small government], or you're for freedom of the people that enforces basic principles upon which this country was founded - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (or property, depending on what text you read) [big government].  Using the government to serve your own personal agenda in the pretext of preserving family values is a thinly veiled attempt at fascism, something that's widely accepted unless you don't happen to agree with the government-regulated values.  Then it's "socialism" - quoted because the conservative Republicans don't really know what it means.

I don't need, want, or welcome the government telling me or anyone else what my family values can, should, or will be; I get to decide that myself based on what I learn and feel is right to define my moral compass.  You can tell me that you do things in a certain way and you feel it is correct, moral, and just, but I also have the right to say thanks, but no thanks. I'll be doing this my own way.

 I suppose that's all I have for now.  Be a nice and loving person, teach your children to be nice and loving.  That's what matters!

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