Freedom of religion is a good thing. It is such a great thing, in fact, that our forefathers left their homes in search of a new world that would support their excessively conservative beliefs. They wanted to escape a nationalized religion that was enforced on them.
However, many, many Christians in the US seem to have forgotten this because they are so passionate about their beliefs. Passion about a belief is fine, but don't get so carried away with that passion that you ignore basic rights of other human beings. Freedom of religion is a right we all have here in the US and you should be cognizant and grateful of that because not everyone is afforded the same right.
I'm beginning to tire of having to explain to people that they are, in fact, in support of freedom of religion and keeping religion out of their schools and government (even if they don't know it). As such, I think it will be easier if I post it here and then link to it every time I need it. So here goes nothing.
1. But Angie, we do not allow God in schools and that's why X happens/doesn't happen!
God is allowed to be there, in general (but it depends on the school), as long as the students initiate it. Teachers and administrators are not allowed to endorse a particular religion because they are in a position of power with considerable sway over their students. An endorsement of a particular religion would be very influential to impressionable youngsters and may go against what the parent wants to teach their child. If you want your child to go to school and be taught a particular religious dogma, send them to a private school that focuses on that. If you would not be OK with a teacher delivering a lecture about your favorite religion to hate, then you agree with me.
2. But Angie, I am a Christian and this country has a Christian majority so I don't mind if a teacher prays with my child!
What if your child's teacher is of a faith that isn't Christianity and it is your favorite religion to hate? Would you be OK with the teacher completing a religious ceremony with your child in the faith of the teacher's choice? If you said no, then you agree with me.
2a. But Angie, I am a Christian and this country has a Christian majority so I don't mind if our national religion is Christianity! It would be a much better place with a national religion.
Consider for a moment the freedoms we possess living in the democracy we've created for ourselves: we are free to hold any opinion we choose, speak out against whomever we choose, free to hold any religious opinions we choose. We are not held to a set of rules that was established thousands of years ago and may be out of date and inappropriate in the current era. A theocracy is based on a single religion and single set of beliefs and rules that exclude and/or condemn a portion of the population. We are a nation of freedom, not oppression. While 99% of us would probably agree with basic tenets of Christianity (like being a good person, loving our neighbors, etc.), the religious laws would probably not be executed in the fashion that you expect. Again, I have to mention the religion you love to hate. Would you love the idea of a theocracy if it was not Christianity and was instead the religion you love to hate, especially if that religion has a drastically different set of morals than you would like to teach your children? Consider other theocracies and then come back to argue this point.
3. But Angie, I think it's ridiculous that we can't pray as a group at X function. The moment of silence is nice, but I really want to hear someone pray! The majority of this nation is Christian, after all, so it's OK!
No, it's not OK because you are still excluding a minority who has a right to not have your choice of religion forced on them. A moment of silence respects everyone and allows them to practice their own beliefs. Once again, if that moment of silence included a prayer/ritual from your favorite religion to hate, would that be OK with you? I didn't think so.
4. But Angie, X religion that I love to hate is horrible because they did Y! Christianity is so much more loving and peaceful.
Keep in mind that every group has extremists who go above and beyond normal and reasonable action to accomplish what they believe to be the religion's goal. Let me say that again. Every. Group. Has. Extremists. Do you remember that in the US we've had abortion clinic bombings? Some of those were carried out by extreme Christians who felt they were doing God's work. Then there were the Crusades and the Inquisition. Judge not, and all that.
5. But Angie, this country is going to Hell in a Hand basket and it's because we aren't making our kids go to church!
You can instill good morals and sound judgment in children without religion. I would argue that teaching a child to be a good person without the aid of a religious text is superior because at that point it is internalized and self-validated. Religious texts were written a long time ago in a forgotten era and contain many inconsistencies that may lead to questioning one's belief. Do you really want that to include basic things like being nice to each other?
I think the larger problem that should be addressed is that we've moved to a society that requires, in many cases, both parents to work outside the home. Spending less time with our children means less time to teach them necessary life lessons. Church is a great tool if you find one you agree with because it's a focused time for several hours per week to teach children lessons about being good people. However, you can teach the same lessons without a church. People who choose not to use this tool should not be made to feel guilty or be forced to adhere to your particular belief.
The basic principles of just about any religion out there are to be nice to one another, not kill one another, and to generally be good people. They should also include respecting and accepting the choices of other people. Keep that in mind and you'll be OK.
That's all I've got for now but I'll edit and add to this as I see new angles and arguments.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Meanwhile, over in Hypocritesville...
Conservative Republicans never cease to amaze me with their narrow-minded view of fairness and equality in the US.
Small government {except when it's convenient to be Big}!
Cut spending {as long as my programs are supported}!
Lower taxes {especially mine because I'm special in some way}!
Specifically regarding small vs. big government they drive me batshit crazy.
Things like this Sarah Palin tweet, regarding the overturn of the sugary drink ban in NYC really drives me bonkers:
I don't need, want, or welcome the government telling me or anyone else what my family values can, should, or will be; I get to decide that myself based on what I learn and feel is right to define my moral compass. You can tell me that you do things in a certain way and you feel it is correct, moral, and just, but I also have the right to say thanks, but no thanks. I'll be doing this my own way.
I suppose that's all I have for now. Be a nice and loving person, teach your children to be nice and loving. That's what matters!
Small government {except when it's convenient to be Big}!
Cut spending {as long as my programs are supported}!
Lower taxes {especially mine because I'm special in some way}!
Specifically regarding small vs. big government they drive me batshit crazy.
Things like this Sarah Palin tweet, regarding the overturn of the sugary drink ban in NYC really drives me bonkers:
"Victory in NYC for liberty-loving soda drinkers. To politicians with too much time on their hands we say: Govt, stay out of my refrigerator!"Besides the obvious, that the ban was only in businesses and did not apply to home refrigerators...To this I must ask - OK, why then should the government have a right to be in my uterus or bedroom or any number of other conservative-supported locations? Holy hypocrisy, Batman! If you are for SMALL government, you can't pick and choose times when it is convenient. You're for small government, or you're for big government. Period. You're for freedom of the people with no regulation at all [small government], or you're for freedom of the people that enforces basic principles upon which this country was founded - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (or property, depending on what text you read) [big government]. Using the government to serve your own personal agenda in the pretext of preserving family values is a thinly veiled attempt at fascism, something that's widely accepted unless you don't happen to agree with the government-regulated values. Then it's "socialism" - quoted because the conservative Republicans don't really know what it means.
I don't need, want, or welcome the government telling me or anyone else what my family values can, should, or will be; I get to decide that myself based on what I learn and feel is right to define my moral compass. You can tell me that you do things in a certain way and you feel it is correct, moral, and just, but I also have the right to say thanks, but no thanks. I'll be doing this my own way.
I suppose that's all I have for now. Be a nice and loving person, teach your children to be nice and loving. That's what matters!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Kid's movie premiere
Since I'm sure I'll forget this idea in the next hour, I'm posting to my blog. I just had a really fun slumber party, birthday party, etc. idea - a kid's movie premiere! Roll out the red carpet, add a curtain for the kids to pass through, take pictures of them in front of a backdrop - kids dress up to come to a movie premiere. Dress up is relative - they can be super heroes, princesses, doctors, mail persons, UPS drivers, frogs - whatever sounds fun.
You could expand this to include a dinner and then a trip on the red carpet, or maybe they just have yummy movie snacks.
Now my son just needs to be old enough to do this! :)
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