Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Busy busy busy


I've been really busy lately - I started a second job working part-time at Wal-mart as a cashier. I've been there for about a month and they're working me anywhere from 22-31 hours a week, which is in addition to my 40-hour job numero uno. It sucks, but sometimes it's fun.

Hopefully it won't be forever but it will probably be at least a year - less if our incomes jump enough to make up for the income loss after moving from Fremont. I lost about 47-49% of my pay instead of the equivalent adjustment of 30%. That's because I left at the top of a payscale and I'm currently at the bottom. Unfortunately most of our bills didn't change - the credit card companies, surprisingly, don't give a rip where I live and how much I can afford to pay them. :) And, now the student loans have kicked in so for a little while we're up the creek without a paddle. Anyone have a couple paddles they want to donate to a good cause? :D

So, it's probably a short-term job but we're unsure at this point how short. Just keep us in your thoughts, please :)

Now I must retire - I have to be awake and moving in about 6.5 hours. Yuck.

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