Sunday, August 21, 2005

For a limited time only!!1!one

Yesterday I saw something odd, which I haven't ever seen before. Actually, it wasn't so much the thing that was odd as much as the sign and the location.

As I was driving yesterday, I saw one of those outdoor canopies such as you would see at, say, an outdoor barbecue or a booth at a flea market. There were two, actually, and they were in the parking lot at a gas station with several signs stating that they were selling shoes for $19.95. Well, selling shoes is not odd, and neither is selling them for $19.95. What struck me as odd was that a). they were in a gas station parking lot and b). there was a sign that said "For a limited time only!"

No way. You mean that a "shop" set up in a parking lot isn't permanent? That when they decide they're closed, invisible walls don't encase the canopies to prevent a 100% discount?

Holy crap Batman!

For a limited time don't say. :)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Baby oak tree surrounded by pines...I think a squirrel lost his acorn :)

The upper falls


A baby tree growing through a rock. Brings to mind "I Will Survive" :)

Rushing water...still near McCloud

Lower falls near McCloud


Near the lower falls in McCloud

The Chex Mix

Oops...good thing it's not my car...$9 a day, yeah!

Camp, Day 1

The rental with the bear locker in the background (small brown cube blob).

Here's all our smelly stuff. No bears for us!

Good morning camp! More pics to come from beautiful Mt. Shasta :)