We lost one of our co-workers (she's moving) and while she will be replaced, we've got a transition period of about 3 months before it happens.
Even when we have the replacement, it will still take a bit to get them trained enough that they are helpful. The position doesn't pay very well and there's zero room to advance unless one of us leaves, and the benefits are dwindling. If the economy wasn't in the shitter I'd say we'd be damn lucky to get anybody worth keeping.
So, this week the weather is bad and it's difficult to drive in to work. I was late getting there today, skipped lunch, and left 30 mins early. All told, I worked 5 hours. I spent around 2.5 hours in the car round trip, which wasn't too bad considering it's usually 1.5 anyway.
Starting last night we were getting sleet. It continued through the night and if the accumulation on my porch is any indication, we got about 2". I left work at 4:00 and didn't get home until 5:45, and it was hellacious. The ice was terrible - there were lots of accidents - it was a mess. This morning when we got up the first time (6:30) it didn't look like our street had been plowed. The MoDOT map said all state roads were "covered" (rather than the preferable "partially covered"). And my driveway was buried. So, we went back to bed. We finally left around 10:40 and I got to work around 11:40. It then proceeded to sleet most of the day. Luckily, I discovered on the way to work that 44 was a much better route so I took that home and this time our trip only took about an hour.
When we got home the snow started and counting everything, I think we've got at least 5 inches of "winter precipitation" on our driveway.
I got sidetracked a bit - back to how this relates to work. OK, so I missed that time today. Last week was a holiday and we're starting to get really behind. I know my supervisor didn't have freetime in her schedule and mine is very little, so it's impossible to add an 8 hour job to our plates and not notice it's there. So, we're busy and missing time for weather, and we're not allowed to make it up on Saturday.
Did I mention that the month is over this week and when we normally process month end, Monday, we have payroll? With 3 people it usually takes around 4 hours, and we're down to 2.
Is it just me or does it sound like something's gotta give here?! All I know is we absolutely MUST make it known that we're affected or management will say..."We don't need to replace her, you're doing great!" Or as I've had said to me before "You're doing so well, I can lay off the other people."
Fuck. That.